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Edit One

Expanded conscious awareness

Edit Two

Freedom from unwanted emotions

Genetic Upgrades

New research has revealed revolutionary strategies for utilizing genetic engineering to raise cognitive capacity.  Gene therapies can be deployed to enrich a person's conscious resources by optimizing the brain's neurological substrates for cognition.
Genetic upgrades for expanded consciousness and greater cognitive ability are feasible with CRISPR technology.  Four types of edits have been initially identified.

Edit Three

Personal sovereignty and self determination

Edit Four

Freedom from physical suffering

Edit One

Expanded conscious awareness
Groundbreaking research has discovered new methods for optimizing human neurology to achieve greater free conscious awareness.  Edit One will genetically modify certain neural networks to deliver higher levels of awareness and cognitive performance to the individual.  Candidates must complete an extensive preparatory curriculum to develop the requisite skills for maximizing the benefits from cognitive upgrades.

Edit Two

Freedom from unwanted emotions
Our early ancestors lived in a dangerous world filled with predatory foes.  Their neurology supplied them with "flight-or-fight" reactions which were essential to their survival.  Civilization has made our environment much safer now.  New technology can begin mitigating reptilian brain animal survival functions which are no longer necessary, and trade them up for greater conscious awareness.

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Edit Three

Personal sovereignty and self-determination
A person’s consciousness and behavior may be adversely influenced by unconscious painful memories.  Gene therapies can be designed to attenuate the power of adverse memories, resulting in greater awareness and self-determination. 

Edit Four

Freedom from physical suffering

As humankind progresses into the 21st Century, genetic engineering is becoming sufficiently advanced to design needless pain out of human bodies and alleviate this source of trauma.   Edit Four can reduce the capacity of the human nervous system to conduct pain signals to the brain by 70%.  Candidates will first successfully complete a comprehensive program of education and counseling to equip them with a new set of life skills for leading painfree lives safely without injury. 

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