Cognitive Economics
The Cognitive Economics report provides civic and business leaders with a market intelligence analysis of macroeconomic and technology trends in the emerging trillion dollar field of genetic cognitive enhancement.
New technologies are being developed to apply the power of genetic engineering to improving human cognition. The goal of this report is to help visionary leaders understand how to leverage these new technologies to enrich humanity's cognitive capital around the world.
The Genetic Age dawning today will experience a power growth curve similar to the one the Information Age has enjoyed over the last six decades. Investors who were far-sighted enough to grasp the potential of early computers profited handsomely from their vision.
Times like this of great transition are often rife with opportunity. Synthetic biology will eventually become one of the world’s largest industries. An entirely new field is emerging to leverage the power of CRISPR to transform human cognitive ability. If history repeats itself, alert investors who take early ownership in these areas stand to make fortunes.
Market Opportunities
Generation Z faces unprecedented challenges in career development as automation and artificial intelligence replace conventional jobs with new, more cognitively- demanding roles. As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, robotics and A.I. will eliminate millions of jobs across a wide range of industries over the next decade.
As these new technologies take hold, they will also create millions of high-paying, cognitively-challenging jobs, requiring imagination, creativity and mental acuity. In today’s interconnected world, these new jobs will inevitably emerge in countries where the mental capacity of the workforce matches their demands. In short, we are entering an era of global cognitive economics.
The new global economy is an innovation race which China is winning. To thrive in this century of global competition, American entrepreneurs need more innovation, more creative solutions, and more exceptional thinking. Generation Z in particular needs a cognitive edge and expanded human value skills such as imagination and creativity to stay ahead of competition for jobs from robotics, A.I. and China.
Success in today’s world requires bold decisive action based on keen insights into emerging revolutionary trends. Forward-thinking leaders can be on the winning side of change by becoming early adopters and innovators who turn potential into opportunity.
Download the Cognitive Economics market intelligence report.