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Cognitive Economics -2018 

Generation Z faces unprecedented challenges in career development as automation and artificial intelligence replace conventional jobs with new, more cognitively-demanding roles.  As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, robotics and A.I. will eliminate millions of jobs across a wide range of industries over the next decade.



As these new technologies take hold, they will also create millions of high-paying, cognitively-challenging jobs, requiring imagination, creativity and mental acuity.  In today’s interconnected world, these new jobs will inevitably emerge in countries where the mental capacity of the workforce matches their demands.  In short, we are entering an era of global cognitive economics.


Cognitive geopolitics


The new global economy is an innovation race which China is winning. The worldwide center for microelectronics has already migrated from San Francisco to Shenzhen, and software is next.  Silicon Valley is microdosing to stay ahead.  To thrive in this century of global competition, American and European businesses need more innovation, more creative solutions, and more exceptional thinking.  

World-renowned Oxford scholar Nayef Al-Rodhan believes that harnessing cognitive enhancement technologies can help nations engineer more productive, focused and competent workforces; thus raising the overall output of their economies and projecting greater global power.  (1)

China is moving ahead aggressively in human genetic engineering and is now the world leader.  Darryl Macer of the Eubios Ethics Institute predicts that China will be at the forefront of human genetic enhancement.  Since Western countries have more conservative attitudes about synthetic biology, he argues that China is set to lead the world in genetic enhancement. (2) By upgrading the cognitive abilities of its population, China could become even more competitive on the global stage, while American and European businesses close their doors in vast numbers.

Cognitive solutions

Global cognitive economics is a high-stakes game which demands bold thinking and dynamic action.  China has already genetically engineered 86 people, and this is only the beginning. (3) To protect democratic free economies from an onslaught of cognitively-augmented Chinese workers, Western leaders must take action now.


A general-purpose cognitive enhancer for expanding human ability is being developed to answer this need. Genetic cognitive enhancements will raise human creativity, energy, emotional balance, concentration, motivation, focus, and mental acuity.  

Cognitive upgrades can give young adults the focus, concentration and clarity to stay ahead of artificial intelligence and automation, enabling them to achieve more rewarding and successful careers.

Cognitive capital


The world today is shifting into a knowledge economy where cognitive capital is the prime currency.  In the 21st Century, the ability to marshal this precious resource will determine the economic mobility of individuals and the wealth of nations.

Cognitive enhancement represents a lucrative investment opportunity, but it is more than that.  It is an economic imperative to safeguard free world economies and uphold the values and ideals we cherish.  


Download the Cognitive Economics market intelligence report. 


(1)  Brain Gain:  The Emerging Security and Ethical Challenges of Cognitive Enhancement, Georgetown University Journal of International Affairs, Nayef Al-Rodhan, July 2, 2015.  Download

(2) Experts Predict China Will Develop Genetically-Enhanced Superhumans, UK Daily Mail, August 3, 2016.  Download

(3) China Has Already Edited 86 people With CRISPR, Gizmodo, January 26, 2018.  Download

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